
Your Presence As The Teacher Self-Assessment — Yoga Teaching Knowledge Standards


Quickly assess your knowledge of Teaching Presence, and identify gaps in your education. See below for assessments on these subjects:

  1. Body Language, Authenticity & Presence
  2. Sonic Components of Voice
  3. Wise Word Choice


Offer a series of free quizzes for yoga teachers to:

  1. Provide an effective way to assess knowledge of each of the Teaching Knowledge Standards.
  2. Make it easy to self-assess privately, on your own time.
  3. Help teachers who identify educational gaps to bolster their knowledge with accessible and practical lessons.

More Self-Assessments

For more self-assessments, see the Standards & Self-Assessment Hub.


Body Language, Authenticity & Presence

Teaching Standard

Become aware of elements of your teaching approach that contribute to your overall presence, so that you can be your unique self while also examining ways to maximize your effectiveness in delivering the teachings.


  1. In an effort to develop as a teacher, it can help to differentiate the teachings from the teacher and then to specifically examine your teaching “presence.” Explain.
  2. Expand on the purpose of defining and dissecting your teaching presence.
  3. Your individuality reflects your particular gifts and differentiates you among teachers. This is your strength! Explain how analyzing your teaching approach differs from an effort to conform to norms.
  4. What is meant by “authentic” teaching?
  5. If authentic teaching is what is genuinely you, how is it possible to refine your approach and stay true to you?
  6. What are some examples of perspectives or techniques that are contrary to an authentic approach?
  7. There is no right way of displaying confidence or humility. Rather, it’s helpful to consider your experience and views on these subjects. What are some questions you can ask yourself to help shine a light on your perspective?
  8. What are some considerations related to gaze and expression while teaching?
  9. What are some specific areas of consideration related to your gaze?

Sonic Components of Voice

Teaching Standard

Learn the sonic (sound) components of voice (cadence, tone, energy and volume) and become conscious of optimizing your voice for teaching.


  1. What are the sonic components of voice?
  2. What are some things you can do before class to optimize your voice?
  3. How might you warm up your vocal cords?
  4. Differentiate the sound of a person’s voice when they’re present and “in their body” compared to when they’re distracted, stressed or overly nervous.
  5. What technique can help if you’re feeling apprehensive.
  6. Describe four practices you can use while teaching to optimize your voice.
  7. What can newer teachers do to remind themselves to pause occasionally while teaching?
  8. Provide specific examples of ways to refine your voice.
  9. Describe considerations related to the volume of your voice while teaching.

Wise Word Choice

Teaching Standard

Become aware and skilled in specific strategies for effectively and wisely choosing words while teaching.


  1. How does witness-consciousness relate to teaching?
  2. Name five strategies that can contribute to effective word choice while teaching.
  3. It’s recommended that you avoid dictating an experience as the correct one. Explain.
  4. Explain what is meant by speaking directly. Provide an example.
  5. Provide examples of speaking in the positive vs the negative.
  6. How can you approach the use of yoga terminology in a way that supports students with little experience?
  7. What are some word-pairs that may be helpful in teaching?
  8. Explain how self-inquiry can help you to best balance the amount of instruction you give
  9. Provide four considerations for determining how much to say and when to say it.
  10. Speak to the effectiveness of using imagery and metaphor in teaching.

Next Steps

  1. To view more self-assessments, go to the Standards & Self-Assessment Hub.
  2. To bolster your knowledge and be recognized as a YTC teacher, enroll in the Yoga Teacher Central Study Program (details below).
  3. Members, view clear and concise lessons:

In a Nutshell

  • The enrollment fee is $25 and is open to Yoga Teacher Central members, past members and non-members.
  • Members receive current membership benefits plus additional benefits listed below.
  • Enrollment in the Study Program qualifies you for lifetime YTC Teacher status.


Enrolling in the Study Program gives you:

  1. A downloadable Knowledge Standards Lesson Guide to walk you through a structured study path toward certification.
  2. Selection of 5 downloadable lessons of your choice (from a library of nearly 500).
  3. Recognition as a YTC Teacher (for life; no expiration).
  4. Professional marketing kit for highlighting your YTC Teacher status on social media and your website.
  5. Excellent preparation for taking certification exams.


  • Your current membership gives you online access to not only thousands of pages of organized study and teaching knowledge, but also sequence breakdowns and teaching notes, theme plans, injury cheat-sheets, and so on.
  • When you enroll in the Study Program, you get these additional benefits: a Knowledge Standards Lesson Guide, selection of 5 downloadable lessons of your choice, and a professional marketing kit for highlighting your YTC Teacher status on social media and your website.

See here for information about exams, badges and certification. Get links for each exam, and for a no-risk trial exam.

We think you’ll enjoy taking the exams. The questions are well-thought-out and the subject matter is quite engaging and significant for teachers. You’ll get an inspiring teaching after answering each question. At the end of the exam, you see a summary of wrong answers and the relevant teachings,  giving you a personal study guide targeted to your needs.

This is an hour well-spent!

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