
Problem Cues: Spine & Pelvis / Common Problems & Issues Related to Cueing for Spinal & Pelvic Alignment (including Rib Flare, Pelvic Tucking, and “Flat Back”)

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Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we present a number of cueing considerations for supporting healthy spinal and pelvic alignment.


Be familiar with considerations related to cueing for rib flare and misalignments of the spine and pelvis, taking particular care with the problem cues “tuck (or scoop) your tailbone” and “use a flat back.”


Describe the typical intention behind the cue “tuck your tail” or “scoop your tailbone” and some potential problems with the cue. Explain the pelvic position that most students are likely to display and why an understanding of rib shear is of importance to yoga teachers. Explain why tucking the pelvis is likely to be an ineffective action for addressing hyperlordosis and provide verbal cues that can help students experience a healthier experience of their natural spinal curves.


rib flare, tuck (or scoop) the tail

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