In this lesson, we review the first and second limbs of the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the yamas (restraints) and niyamas (observances), and provide an overview of each.
Be familiar with the general subject matter of the yamas (restraints) and niyamas (observances) as a whole and individually.
Describe the yamas and niyamas as a whole. Define yama. Explain what, in general, the yamas describe. Define niyama. Explain what, in general, the niyamas describe. Provide considerations for teaching the yamas and niyamas related to ethics, morality and internal vs. external effects. Note which sutras describe the yamas and niyamas. Define and succinctly describe each yama and each niyama. Provide considerations for teaching yoga philosophy in general, and the yamas and niymas in particular.
ahimsa, aparigraha, asteya, brahmacharya, ishvara pranidhana, santosha, satya, saucha, svadhyaya, tapas
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