
Meditation Practices – Metta Meditation / Loving-Kindness Prayer

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Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we introduce the topic of metta, and describe Metta Meditation, also known as the Loving-Kindness Prayer.


Become knowledgeable about Metta Meditation.


Explain the origins and meaning of “metta” and describe the intention of the word in a way that differentiates it from a feeling or wish that is passive in nature. Clarify how the practice of metta is different from trying to “be nice” and what qualities of love it’s said to develop. Define Metta Meditation, describe for whom each round of the prayer is dedicated and note the part of the body the practitioner focuses on. List the benefits said to result from Metta Meditation and describe some common issues that may arise during the practice as well as ways you might you respond to them.

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