
The Importance of “Good Stress” (Positive Challenge), The Serious Negative Impacts of Chronic Stress, Resolving Stress, Stress Resilience — for Yoga Teachers, Yoga Therapists, Health & Wellness Coaches, Holistic Healthcare Providers

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Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we examine the importance of “good” stress and the significant impacts of “bad” stress, the resolution of the stress cycle, and developing stress resilience.


Understand the necessity of “good” stress (positive challenge) and the  significant negative impacts of chronic (“bad”) stress on immunity and disease, plus the consequences of elevated stress hormones and developing stress resilience.


Give the origins of the word stress, and provide multiple definitions. Discuss positive challenge and adaptation, including the terms “eustress” and “hormesis.” Give an example of how too much comfort can cause harm and how good stress (positive challenge) is necessary for good health. Discuss chronic stress and its significant consequences. Provide examples of significant effects of chronic stress behaviorally, mentally, neurologically and cognitively. Cite research on the impact of stress on the immune system and the occurrence of diseases including heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity. Discuss the consequences of insufficient stress; include an example by citing the results of randomized control trials on the effects of bed rest as a treatment after medical treatment. Provide examples of common coping techniques during stress while experience the associated elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol, and how to complete the stress cycle to return to physiological homeostasis. Discuss stress resilience and reframing.


antifragile, atrophy, chronic stress, distress, eustress, fragility, hormesis, stress, stress resilience

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