
Brain Physiology, Brain Hemispheres & Brain Waves — for Yoga Teachers, Yoga Therapists, Health & Wellness Coaches, Holistic Healthcare Providers

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Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we introduce the physiology (functions and relationships) of the brain, including brain waves and how the hemispheres function.


Understand why the Split Brain Theory is outdated and provide a more accurate understanding of how the left and right hemispheres differ and relate, plus how the corpus callosum functions and how the brain works via electricity and brain waves.


Describe Roger Sperry’s experiments and the resultant Split Brain Theory. Explain the unique and rare experience of the experiments and how this led to conclusions that aren’t correct. Provide a more accurate understanding of how the left and right hemispheres differ and relate. Describe brain waves and how they are measured. Explain how brain waves relate to emotions and mental health.


alpha brain state, beta brain state, brain hemispheres, brain wave, corpus callosum, delta brain state, gamma brain state, split brain theory, theta brain state, whole brain functioning

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