In this lesson, we introduce the anatomy (structure) and physiology (functions and relationships) of the endocrine system.
Be familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system, also called the hormonal or glandular system.
Describe the endocrine system and define glands and hormones. Explain how the endocrine system and nervous system are similar and how they are different. Describe the hypothalamus, its location and the hormones it secretes. Explain different ways of referring to the hypothalamus and describe its role in the endocrine system. List the primary endocrine glands from the head downward and describe the primary functions of each. List a number of hormones, and describe a few key hormones including cortisol and melatonin.
adrenal glands, ductless glands, endocrine system, glands, gonads, hormones, hypothalamus, melatonin, pancreas, parathyroid, pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus gland, thyroid
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