
Setting Meaningful Goals & Measurable Objectives… and Following Through

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Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we delve into the research and practice of setting meaningful and measurable objectives — and following through on them.


Review inspiring and compelling research related to the practice of setting meaningful and measurable objectives — and following through on them — to support your skillfulness and evolution as a teacher.


Give examples of how to set measurable objectives for teaching more philosophy in class or increasing your hands-on adjustments. When your objective is a quality, focus or intention such as embodying non-judgment, explain how you can set tangible objectives. Describe one simple task that causes individuals to have nine times the success of others. Note common pitfalls in regard to accomplishing objectives and specific techniques and practices to help combat these challenges. Describe a study of mathphobes that supports efforts to avoid procrastination. Describe more ideas and resources for gaining inspiration and insight into setting and meeting objectives.

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