
Sanskrit Self-Assessment — Yoga Teaching Knowledge Standards


Quickly assess your knowledge of Sanskrit Foundations, and identify gaps in your education. See below for assessments on these subjects:

  1. Sanskrit Introduction
  2. Sanskrit Study & Teaching Tips
  3. Sanskrit First Words


Offer a series of free quizzes for yoga teachers to:

  1. Provide an effective way to assess knowledge of each of the Teaching Knowledge Standards.
  2. Make it easy to self-assess privately, on your own time.
  3. Help teachers who identify educational gaps to bolster their knowledge with accessible and practical lessons.

More Self-Assessments

For more self-assessments, see the Standards & Self-Assessment Hub.

Sanskrit Introduction

Teaching Standard

Gain an understanding of the origins of Sanskrit, its distinctive qualities, and the significance of it being the language of the original yoga texts.


  1. What are some meanings of the word, “Sanskrit?”
  2. How does Sanskrit compare to other languages in terms of age?
  3. For what reason was Sanskrit developed?
  4. What types of words exist in Sanskrit that have no equivalents in other languages?
  5. What is the oldest known use of the language in written form?
  6. What are some ways in which Sanskrit continues to be used today?
  7. What are some reasons to use Sanskrit in yoga teaching?
  8. What are some considerations when using Sanskrit to avoid sounding exclusionary or confusing?

Sanskrit Study & Teaching Tips

Teaching Standard

Progressively develop the capability to use Sanskrit in teaching by practicing vowel pronunciation and learning common Sanskrit words that form the components of pose names.


  1. What primary practice tip will help you prepare to use Sanskrit in your teaching?
  2. As in English, Sanskrit vowels have two pronunciations. How are these described?
  3. Provide the two pronunciations for the letter “a” and a word that yoga teachers often use that includes both sounds.
  4. Provide three strategies for efficiently learning the names and meanings of Sanskrit pose names.
  5. Provide five general Sanskrit words found in many pose names.
  6. What are the Sanskrit names for the back, front and side of the body?
  7. Provide the Sanskrit words for body parts found in many pose names.
  8. What number qualifiers are found in many pose names?
  9. Provide Sanskrit words for other modifiers often found in pose names: half, full, upward, downward, revolved, extended, expanded, support and unsupported.

Sanskrit First Words

Teaching Standard

Be prepared to introduce Sanskrit words into teaching.


Part 1 – Pronounce and define the following pose names.
  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  2. Anahatasana
  3. Anantasana
  4. Ardha Chandrasana; Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
  5. Ardha Matsyendrasana
  6. Adho Mukha Vrksasana
  7. Baddha Konasana; Supta Baddha Konasana
  8. Bakasana
  9. Balasana
  10. Bhekasana
  11. Bhujangasana
  12. Bhujapidasana
  13. Chaturanga Dandasana
  14. Dandasana
  15. Dhanurasana
  16. Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
  17. Garudasana
  18. Gomukhasana
  19. Halasana
  20. Hanumanasana
  21. Janu Sirsasana; Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
  22. Jathara Parivartanasana
  23. Kurmasana
  24. Lolasana
  25. Malasana
  26. Matsyasana
  27. Mayurasana
  28. Natarajasana
  29. Navasana; Ardha Navasana; Paripurna Navasana
  30. Padmasana
  31. Parsvottanasana
  32. Pasasana
  33. Parighasana
  34. Pincha Mayurasana
  35. Prasarita Padottanasana
  36. Purvottanasana
  37. Salabhasana; Ardha Salabhasana
  38. Salamba Sarvangasana
  39. Salamba Sirsasana
  40. Samasthiti
  41. Savasana
  42. Setu Bandhasana
  43. Simhasana
  44. Sukhasana
  45. Supta Padangusthasana
  46. Surya Namaskar
  47. Tadasana
  48. Upavistha Konasana
  49. Urdhva Dhanurasana
  50. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
  51. Ustrasana
  52. Utkatasana
  53. Uttanasana
  54. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
  55. Utthita Parsvakonasana; Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  56. Utthita Trikonasana; Parivrtta Trikonasana
  57. Vajrasana
  58. Virabhadrasana
  59. Virasana; Supta Virasana
  60. Vrksasana
  61. Yoga Nidrasana
Part 2 – Define the following terms.
  1. Ahimsa
  2. Asana
  3. AUM / Om
  4. Avidya
  5. Balasana
  6. Bandha
  7. Bhakti
  8. Bhavana
  9. Buddhi
  10. Chakra
  11. Cikitsa
  12. Citta Vrtti Nirodhah
  13. Deva
  14. Devi
  15. Dharma
  16. Drishti
  17. Dukha
  18. Guna
  19. Guru
  20. Hatha
  21. Ida
  22. Isvara
  23. Jivatman
  24. Jnana
  25. Karma
  26. Karuna
  27. Klesa
  28. Kosha
  29. Kriya
  30. Kundalini
  31. Mandala
  32. Mantra
  33. Moksa
  34. Mudra
  35. Mula
  36. Nadi
  37. Namaskara
  38. Namaste
  39. Nirodha
  40. Niyamas
  41. Pingala
  42. Prajna
  43. Prakrti
  44. Prana
  45. Pranayama
  46. Purusa
  47. Rajas
  48. Sama
  49. Samskaras
  50. Sattva
  51. Savasana
  52. Shanti
  53. Sthira
  54. Sukha
  55. Surya
  56. Susumna
  57. Sutra
  58. Tadasana
  59. Tamas
  60. Tantra
  61. Tapas
  62. Tejas
  63. Vairagya
  64. Vayu
  65. Vedas
  66. Vinyasa
  67. Virya
  68. Vrtti
  69. Yamas
  70. Yantra
  71. Yoga

Next Steps

  1. To view more self-assessments, go to the Standards & Self-Assessment Hub.
  2. To bolster your knowledge and be recognized as a YTC teacher, enroll in the Yoga Teacher Central Study Program (details below).
  3. Members, view clear and concise lessons:


In a Nutshell

  • The enrollment fee is $25 and is open to Yoga Teacher Central members, past members and non-members.
  • Members receive current membership benefits plus additional benefits listed below.
  • Enrollment in the Study Program qualifies you for lifetime YTC Teacher status.


Enrolling in the Study Program gives you:

  1. A downloadable Knowledge Standards Lesson Guide to walk you through a structured study path toward certification.
  2. Selection of 5 downloadable lessons of your choice (from a library of nearly 500).
  3. Recognition as a YTC Teacher (for life; no expiration).
  4. Professional marketing kit for highlighting your YTC Teacher status on social media and your website.
  5. Excellent preparation for taking certification exams.


  • Your current membership gives you online access to not only thousands of pages of organized study and teaching knowledge, but also sequence breakdowns and teaching notes, theme plans, injury cheat-sheets, and so on.
  • When you enroll in the Study Program, you get these additional benefits: a Knowledge Standards Lesson Guide, selection of 5 downloadable lessons of your choice, and a professional marketing kit for highlighting your YTC Teacher status on social media and your website.

See here for information about exams, badges and certification. Get links for each exam, and for a no-risk trial exam.

We think you’ll enjoy taking the exams. The questions are well-thought-out and the subject matter is quite engaging and significant for teachers. You’ll get an inspiring teaching after answering each question. At the end of the exam, you see a summary of wrong answers and the relevant teachings,  giving you a personal study guide targeted to your needs.

This is an hour well-spent!

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