
Malasana (Garland Pose/ Yogic Squat) & Pasasana / Pashasana (Noose Pose) – Overview

Asana Digest Overview


Malasana (Garland Pose / Yogic Squat), Pasasana / Pashasana (Noose Pose), and related poses such as Malasana Intermediate and Eka Pada Malasana (One Legged Garland)


Become knowledgeable about the pose and review detailed teaching considerations.


Explain the Sanskrit naming; contraindications and cautions; associated benefits and typical effects; instructions and cues for setting up and practicing the pose; variations to meet particular intentions and needs; and more teaching considerations.

Prerequisite Knowledge

The focus of Asana Digests is teaching specific poses. This support presumes you’re aware of the groundwork and teaching support here: Asana Category – Forward Bending & Hip Stretching.

Poses Overview


Garland Pose
Also known as Yogic Squat and Upavesasana (Sitting Down Pose)

“The yogi squats and brings the hands to the heart, representing a single bead on the mala necklace… Just like each of the beads that are intimately connected to all the others through the string of the mala, the yogi is intimately connected to all other beings.” (Lena Schmidt)

Pasasana / Pashasana

“pasa” = a snare, trap, noose, tie, bond, cord, fetter
Noose Pose

Eka Pada Malasana

While translated as One Legged Garland Pose, no traditional sources demonstrate this pose or use this Sanskrit name; rather, it seems to have been applied to an exercise more often called Pistol Squat

Heart of Poses

Hip Stretch


Malasana: Common Version

Malasana is often shown with feet wide and turned out, palms together in front of torso. This is a more accessible version of the traditional full pose.

Malasana: Full Pose

In the traditional version of Malasana, the feet are parallel and together, with arms reaching around legs for bind.

Iyengar Terminology: Malasana I and Malasana II

In Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar uses this naming terminology:

  • Malasana I – Binding behind back
  • Malasana II – Grasping ankles, forehead to toes
Pasasana / Pashasana

In Pasasana (Noose Pose), feet are together with a bound twist.

Twisting Variations

Some variations include modified twists (with feet apart or together).

Much More in this Digest

Asana Digests are precisely organized so that you can quickly get what you need. Please select from the menu above and be sure to review any contraindications and cautions.

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