
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) – Overview

Asana Digest Overview


Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose), and related poses such as Paripurna Matsyendrasana (Complete Lord of the Fishes Pose)


Become knowledgeable about the pose and review detailed teaching considerations.


Explain the Sanskrit naming; contraindications and cautions; associated benefits and typical effects; instructions and cues for setting up and practicing the pose; variations to meet particular intentions and needs; and more teaching considerations.

Prerequisite Knowledge

The focus of Asana Digests is teaching specific poses. This support presumes you’re aware of the groundwork and teaching support here:  Asana Category – Twisting Poses

Poses Overview

Ardha Matsyendrasana

ARE-dah MOT-see-en-DRAHS-anna
“ardha” = half
“Matsyendrasana” = Lord of the Fishes*
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
In Bikram Hot Yoga, called Spine Twisting Pose

Paripurna Matsyendrasana

“paripurna” = complete, full
Complete Lord of the Fishes Pose

Naming Mythology

The pose name derives from this story: Shiva came out of a deep meditation and began to share the teachings of yoga with his wife, Parvati. In the water nearby, a fish took notice and listened to the teachings. Once he noticed the fish who he realized had learned yoga, Shiva blessed the fish with the name Matsyendra, the Lord of the Fishes. The fish then came onto the shore, took divine form, and arranged himself into a seated twist that allowed him to fully absorb the teachings.

Heart of Pose


Joint Actions

The following are from Leslie Kaminoff’s book, Yoga Anatomy.

  • Spinal rotation, neutral extension
  • Top leg: deep hip flexion, adduction, internal rotation; knee flexion
  • Bottom leg: moderate hip flexion, adduction, external rotation, knee flexion
  • See also: Joint Movements & ROM


Paripurna vs Ardha Matsyendrasana*
  • Paripurna Matsyendrasana – Lower leg in Half Lotus; bind to foot of top leg
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana – Other variations, including foot of lower leg under sit bones or beside hip, binding around upper knee to clasped hands, or binding foot
* Source: B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga 1975 p 164
Ayurveda Perspective

Dr. David Frawley notes that the pose reduces vata, pitta and kapha while Joseph LePage says standing twists are more indicated for kapha.* (See also: Ayurveda: Doshas)

  • Vata: Moderate holding, focus on grounding, stillness and breath
  • Pitta: Any holding, focus on non-efforting, easy grounding and breath
  • Kapha: Any holding, focus on lifting and breathing (or use standing twists instead)
* Joseph LePage, Yoga Teachers’ Toolbox  link  2005 p 43, Dr. David Frawley, Yoga for Your Type 2001 p 182  link

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