
Setu Bandhasana / Dwi Pada Pitham (Bridge Pose), Chatush Padasana (Four Footed Pose) – Overview

Asana Digest Overview


Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), and related poses such as Chatush Padasana (Four Footed Pose) and Dwi Pada Pitham (Two Legged Table / Half Bridge Pose)

Supported vs Restorative Version

Supported Bridge Pose is included here. Restorative Bridge Pose, however, is different (the back is on a lengthwise bolster, head spilling off) and is featured in the Restorative Asana Digest here.


Become knowledgeable about the pose and review detailed teaching considerations.


Explain the Sanskrit naming; contraindications and cautions; associated benefits and typical effects; instructions and cues for setting up and practicing the pose; variations to meet particular intentions and needs; and more teaching considerations.

Prerequisite Knowledge

The focus of Asana Digests is teaching specific poses. This support presumes you’re aware of the groundwork and teaching support here: Asana Category – Backbending Poses.

Poses Overview

Setu Bandhasana

SET–too BAHN–dah
“setu” = bridge
“bandha” = lock
“setu bandha” = construction of a bridge (BKS Iyengar)
Bridge Pose
Also known as: Setu Bandha, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Dwi Pada Pitham

Dwi Pada Pitham

“dwi” = two
“pada” = foot
“pitham” = stool, seat, chair bench
Two Foot Pose
Also known as: Two Legged Table and Little Bridge Pose

Heart of Pose

Backbend / Chest Opener

Joint Actions


  • In some traditions, Dwi Pada Pitham is the Sanskrit name for Bridge Pose and in some refers to Bridge Flow, lifting hips on inhale and releasing to floor on exhale.
  • Bridge Pose is a primary preparation pose for Salamba Sarvangasana. Some sources suggest waiting until student can hold Bridge Pose for quite some time to indicate proper strength before introducing Sarvangasana. Another readiness test for Sarvangasana is that cervical and thoracic spine are both lifted from floor in Bridge Pose.

Much More in this Digest

Asana Digests are precisely organized so that you can quickly get what you need. Please select from the menu above and be sure to review any contraindications and cautions.

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